Set of three ad campaign films created for cloud tech company Teradata
Towards the end of 2020 I created a series of three ad campaign films for Teradata in collaboration with Wall Street Journal Custom Content. Unlike many other companies within the tech cloud computing space, Teradata were open to using fun, visually intriguing imagery to help our narrative as opposed to the more stagnant and cliché imagery you associate with a company within this space.
For these ad campaigns I focused heavily on maximizing Teradata’s already strong brand identity through utilizing a rich color palette, strong visuals, bold logo graphics and beautiful kinetic typography I was able to craft a three ad series for Teradata that grabbed a viewers attention whenever and wherever it was broadcast.
The people that decided to turn on their sound while watching were greeted with a punchy, music supervised soundtrack. The soundtrack was kept the same for each ad in the series, helping the ads to sink into your psyche so that when you heard the song again you knew it was a Teradata ad. I also experimented with a variety of clean looking Teradata logo stings my personal favorite being the logo sting version used in the “Culture Of Innovation” film.
All three ads were broadcast at various places across the web from October 2020 through January 2021.